My wife and I became parents for the first time in June of this year with the birth of our son, Ren. Upon learning that we were ‘expecting,’ other parents reminded us that, as new parents, we would begin a journey leaving us with memories of our many experiences. I encountered one of these memorable occasions when Ren was only two weeks old. While changing his diaper, I turned for only a second to reach for a pack of wipes. Turning back, I noticed that Ren’s hair was wet. He appeared to be sweating profusely, his forehead broken out in a sweat, reminding me of Peter Graves’s character on Airplane. I stood there amazed, stunned, and confused at the same time. What could have happened in such a brief period? Could water actually be pouring from his little head, I asked myself. After brainstorming for a minute, it dawned on me. Ren had ‘wet’ on himself. A laugh and a sigh of relief followed simultaneously. Already, others have laughed while relating to this story. Parenthood is a great adventure.